Barefoot shoes are notorious for being ‘ugly’ and while they may not be at the height of fashion, I have managed to find a few pairs that actually look really good! And let’s face it, barefoot shoes are so necessary to protect our feet. Whether you have foot problems or not (yet), having a pair or two of barefoot shoes in your wardrobe might help protect and prevent foot related problems.
Why barefoot shoes?
Last year, I shared in a YouTube video that I decluttered almost 70% of my shoes. This was just after I had found out that I have arthritis in my two big toes. Getting this diagnosis made it easier to say goodbye to the shoes that hurt my feet.
Since then, I was on the hunt for some barefoot shoes that don’t compromise on style and those that are also manufactured consciously.
I found two particular brands that I loved, Feelgrounds & Origo Shoes. Barefoot shoes are designed to maintain the foot’s natural shape and function. They include many features, one of which is a wider toe box. (This was particularly interesting for me, as my arthritis was likely caused by my big toes being squished into small shoes and narrow-toe boxes).
Barefoot shoes can have a reputation for being ‘ugly’. But I’m pleased to say that I’ve found a few pairs of barefoot shoes that put this reputation to rest. I’m sharing how I style them below.
What did I think of them?
All the shoes I’m styling have been worn and tested by me over the past 2 months. The first time I wore my Origo trainers out all day I had zero pain in my toes. I was so pleased with this!
My Feelgrounds shoes were so incredibly comfortable and soft under my feet. I found the Chelsea boots easier to style than the black lace-up boots (this could be because of the colour of each). However, I found the lace-up boots to be more casual than the Chelsea, and better suited to outdoor/wet weather activities as opposed to just an everyday boot.
My Barefoot Shoes Styled in Outfits
Origo Shoes – 10% off code: EMILYELIZABETHMAY

Brown Bucket Bag

Overalls/Jumpsuit (code: EMILYELIZABETHMAY)
Shirt (second-hand)

Overalls/Jumpsuit (code: EMILYELIZABETHMAY)
Vest (Harley Mae – no longer for sale)

The Knotty Ones Knit Jumper
Brown Bucket Bag
Feelgrounds (black boots & white boots)
Both pairs of boots are really comfortable and soft underneath the foot.

Bucket Bag

Bucket Bag

Black Barefoot Lace Up Boots

White Barefoot Chelsea Boots
Jacket (second-hand)

Necklace (code: EMILYE20)
Bucket Bag
Why does this matter?…
It is believed that after wearing barefoot shoes, you can expect to develop stronger feet, improve knee and lower back health, experience fewer injuries and reduce the likelihood of falling. I can completely relate to this, as our feet really are the anchors of our body, when there’s something not right with our feet our alignment for our knees, back and spine can all be affected. I’ve found this out personally since visiting a chiropractor for the past year.
Looking after our foot health is so important. When our feet aren’t happy, we’re not happy.
I hope you found this helpful and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Emily x
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